Meet the Team: Belle de Gast, Ambassador

Meet the Team: Belle de Gast, Ambassador

Inspiring cycling for all

Cycling isn’t as simple as trying to go as fast as possible on 2-wheels. In fact, that’s just one aspect of how we use this amazing and timeless piece of engineering. Yes, timeless, because when you think about it, despite all the technological innovations, the bicycle is still relatively the same as it’s always been. It’s 2 wheels, a triangular frame design, a saddle, handlebars and pedals, and a means of transport for everyone and anyone – and former pro cyclist, Belle de Gast from Utrecht, is doing her utmost to inspire more and more people from all walks of life, to get out cycling.

Surprisingly for a pro cyclist from this true cycling nation, Belle didn’t come from a cycling family. Instead, she played hockey as a child and then started a normal student existence in Utrecht, which involved lots of fun and mishaps! In her own words, she wasn’t that healthy; but then bought a second-hand race bike and started riding and racing with friends. Belle kept that fun loving spirit when cycling and she raced for fun, finding that she was good and started to win races. Within two years of starting cycling, she’d been offered a professional contract, surprising her parents. In her own words, Belle believes that hockey and her life away from cycling gave her different and valuable strengths to bring to cycling. She was more all-rounded, and as a physiotherapist, she still does lots of other sports.

Cycling in fact, when Belle entered the pro rider ranks, surprised her with all the roles and rules. She says that “sometimes they’re really serious and I was relaxed and joking, whilst still being actively serious in how I performed.” Belle says that she thankfully brought a sense of fun to things: “I enjoyed the training and the races, and I celebrated with the team, often being the one to initiate this style.”

Regional cycling ambassador role

Belle is currently a regional ambassador within the Netherlands, and works closely with local government, charities, business, schools and other groups, inspiring and helping others to get out and explore this amazing world by bike. Outside of her cycling life, Belle is also a climber and mountain adventurer, and so for her, cycling is a way of exploring adventure and seeing so many amazing places. Talking with her about her life in the pro cycling world, Belle jokes about how on team training camps in Spain, she’d often be looking sideways at the amazing scenery. Not coming from the usual conveyor belt route for pro cyclists, but instead from playing hockey and simply riding her bike as a courier and whilst studying at university, Belle has a more refreshing and yes, a quite beautiful view of cycling as a journey in itself - not simply as a tool for that journey.

Cycling as journey of exploration

Life and cycling go hand in hand for Belle, but in a relaxed way. Cycling is a way in which we can explore adventure, and a means to explore the world in perfect harmony with our inner self. As a rock climber too, Belle has the ultimate respect for the natural world. Once, looking out of the hotel window at Mont Ventoux, she was lit up by the spectacular scene of the mountain, then saying to her team-mates, ‘‘Girls, the mountain is so beautiful.” However, her uniqueness was typified when she reflects that the others didn’t see this, being solely focused on the training aspect of the trip. It’s elements such as this from her cycling history that make Belle so special and so fascinating a person within the global cycling scene – and it’s why she’s the perfect cycling ambassador for the Netherlands, and one of the most interesting people to talk with.

On those epic training rides and when racing in the pro peloton, Belle was known as ‘the girl who always looks around.’ She recalls telling her team-mates to do the same, saying “Girls look around, it’s so beautiful!” Only to be met with the response, “Belle, we have to train! It’s not a holiday!”

Talking at length with Belle, it’s obvious to me that she didn’t see this as such - quite the opposite – she’s an athlete. No, Belle has always seen the world as a special place and something to celebrate; which is why she’s determined to get as many people out on bikes as possible.

The true benefits of a bike

The true benefits of a bike are seen when street kids and others who wouldn’t ordinarily cycle are given the opportunity to ride. And, women in certain circumstances can feel a new sense of freedom in their lives, when taken cycling. Yes, these are the types of projects that Belle, now out of the pro peloton, sees as valuable and worthwhile. She’s a huge fan of E-Bikes, as they too allow more people to ride and people who would normally use a car. The pro cycling world can exist within a bubble, and Belle is focused on bursting this bubble. She sees the top level of cycling sport and how it differs from the normal aspects of cycling, saying that “we have to make more of a connection between the two. Top sport is really a bubble. The top level of cycling sport can bring more to society than they do. Often, it doesn’t know or understand what’s happening in the real world. Mt role as a cycling ambassador within the Netherlands is to bring that together and to try to begin to make the connections.” It’s this attitude towards her role and life in general that makes Belle such an inspiring person to talk with and listen to. Her new journey is al about exploring the world by bike and getting others to do the same.

Finding her fit with Lake cycling shoes

It was during an event at Utrecht that Belle first came across Robert from the Lake cycling shoes team. She’d experienced pain in her feet when riding long distances. Being a physiotherapist, she knows that good kit and equipment is vital, and how important it is to have a fitted bike. Since using Lake cycling shoes – especially our Lake CX177, there’s no more pain and cycling is 100% fun – which it should be. She’s a huge fan of the form and fitting, and the comfort and performance that Lake cycling shoes give her.

Belle is a person who believes that small steps change the world. It needs to re-assess and reset itself. Her role as a cycling ambassador gives her the opportunity to play an important part in the process. Likewise, here at Lake, we believe that small steps can change how you ride into that brighter future. Working alongside inspiring people like Belle, we can learn a lot – not simply about cycling shoes. It allows us to stay focused and to remain real and approachable, as we strive to produce cycling shoes that are inclusive and accessible for all cyclists. Like Belle, we want everybody to be able to ride into a brighter future – hopefully wrapped in our legendary cycling shoe comfort.

Riding for life

Asking Belle what her favourite rides have been, she lights up when talking about racing the spring classics, and the beauty and the challenge of these epic events. However, her favourite cycling adventure was a ride in 2023 to Annapurna in the Himalaya. It was an opportunity to really experience the wild and remote beauty that the world still has to offer, and to explore her relationship with nature. On the trip she wore our Lake CX177.

Supporting riders like Belle also allows the team here at Lake to stay in tune with the world around us. Yes, we create cycling shoes for some of the best riders in the world – but we also focus on the real cycling community and on supporting riders and people like Belle, as they enthuse others and inject fun into cycling. As Belle continues to encourage even more people to take up a 2-wheeled adventure, we plan on being at her side as she changes small worlds each and every day.

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